Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Me...

ideal 11/29/08 12/13/08 12/27/08
neck 43 40 40 40.5
chest 117 108.5 109.5 111
bicep 42 34.5 34 34.25
forearm 34 32.13 32 31.25
waist 82 94 94 93.5
hip 99 99 100 99
thigh 62 60.75 61.75 61
calf 40 41 40 40

percentages 93.02 93.02 94.19

92.74 93.59 94.87

82.14 80.95 81.55

94.49 94.12 91.91

114.63 114.63 114.02

100 101.01 100

97.98 99.6 98.39

102.5 100 100

So, last weekend was my birthday. How convenient. I will admit that I had set ambitious goals for this particular birthday, although I'd never actually made clear to myself exactly what they were. What kind of numbers were I shooting for, anyway?

I don't know. I don't have a quick way of getting body fat percentage, which would have been the most useful. I'm not sure why I haven't bought a bioelectric impedance unit. I don't believe in weight goals. Setting a target body weight encourages dieting - and some people end up starving their muscles of nutrients. Losing muscle is a quick way to lose weight, but obviously that's not something we're interested in.

Whatever. Since I didn't set any real goals, I'm not sure how disappointed I should feel. The fact that I feel disappointed clearly means that I'm, once again, not living up to my own expectations.


In honor of the occasion, I've whipped up a slightly more interesting graph. The lines show a vague and ponderous convergence. I guess I can stare at it and think about how difficult progress really is.

Weight at the end of this week: 191.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Numbers, numbers

ideal 11/15/08 11/29/08 12/13/08
neck 43 39.5 40 40
chest 117 107.5 108.5 109.5
bicep 42 34.38 34.5 34
forearm 34 32.13 32.13 32
waist 82 95 94 94
hip 99 99 99 100
thigh 62 61.13 60.75 61.75
calf 40 41.38 41 40

percentages 91.86 93.02 93.02

91.88 92.74 93.59

81.85 82.14 80.95

94.49 94.49 94.12

115.85 114.63 114.63

100 100 101.01

98.59 97.98 99.6

103.44 102.5 100

Almost everything is trending in the right direction. Right now my focus is on maintaining muscle mass, yet dropping weight. So far so good: weighing in at 195 consistently now. Of course (as I tell myself every time I do this) I need to work harder.

I'll do a graph along with the next set of numbers.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I want my face back!

Isn't that just perfectly awful? I put this image series together to document my descent into disgusting levels of fatness. In the left image, I weight about 155 pounds. The second image from the right: about 175. The last image? 215. In a year, my weight just skyrocketed. I had stopped windsurfing, and there wasn't a gym within ten miles of where we were living. I wasn't riding. I wasn't doing anything.

The thing is, when you look in the mirror every day, you don't notice little changes. It wasn't until I saw pictures of myself, and started comparing them with older images, that I realized how bad things had really become.

Every time I need some motivation to work harder, I'm going to look at this sequence.

Then, sometime early in 2009, I get to take another picture.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Numbers for this weekend

ideal 11/01/08 11/15/08 11/29/08
neck 43 39.25 39.5 40
chest 117 108 107.5 108.5
bicep 42 34 34.38 34.5
forearm 34 32.13 32.13 32.13
waist 82 95 95 94
hip 99 99.5 99 99
thigh 62 61.5 61.13 60.75
calf 40 41 41.38 41

percentages 91.28 91.86 93.02

92.31 91.88 92.74

80.95 81.85 82.14

94.49 94.49 94.49

115.85 115.85 114.63

100.51 100 100

99.19 98.59 97.98

102.5 103.44 102.5

I'm not doing a graph this week, because I don't feel like it, and nobody cares. On the other hand, the numbers look good, and I'm feeling good about my progress. One thing that's helping is that the weather is unseasonably (might I say, ridiculously) warm, and so I'm riding more than I expected to. For instance, it's sunny and in the mid 50s today.

Weight: still hovering right around the 200 pound mark.

Tell you what is weird, though. I decided to check my height yesterday, because I can't even remember the last time anyone measured that. I know it says 5'6" on my driver's license, but that's just what I told them when I was getting my first license at the ripe old age of 17, and honestly at the time it was just an educated guess.

Apparently I'm actually 5'9". Uh, wow. That's a pretty serious discrepancy. In fact, I've become so used to thinking I'm 5'6", that I find it hard to believe. Still, I've checked it repeatedly, and I'm not wrong.

No wonder I weigh more than I thought I should. I'm a full three inches taller than I thought I was. It's not every day you realize you've been under-estimating your height by a quarter of a foot.